VIP Seniors Ministry


VIP Seniors talking

The VIP Seniors is for people 50 years old or older. If you are a part of the VIP Seniors, Tree of Life Ministries considers you a V.I.P. (Very Important Person)! We enjoy getting together for fellowship and sharing our love for Jesus with others. The VIP Seniors is a wonderful way to get to know each other and make new friends within our church! We try to get together at least once every month and plan regular activities such as day trips, games, devotions, and even meals. Did we mention that VIPs love to eat together?

Women VIP Seniors

When you sign up for this awesome group of Jesus-loving friends, you will be notified by email or text messages of all of our upcoming activities and they are also announced on the “Big Screen” in the Main Sanctuary before each church service. Friends from outside our local church body are welcome, too; as a matter of fact, we love it when you invite a friend or two to join you in our events!  (Although we advertise our group as 50+, you are welcome to invite someone of any age to accompany you when you participate!)

INTERESTED IN JOINING THE vip seniors ministry?

Fill out this form and Pastor Don Webb will get in contact with you! You can also contact Pastor Don at

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